MeProRisk II

Optimization strategies and risk analysis for deep geothermal reservoirs

Status: completed


Geothermal reservoirs provide heat that can be used to generate clean, renewable, and plentiful energy. However, the exploration and the development of these reservoirs involve high engineering and economic risks. Despite steady improvements in drilling technology over the last decades, drilling of numerous deep boreholes from the surface into suitable rock types at a depth of some kilometers is still a major cost component of geothermal energy. The MeProRisk II project aims at reducing these risks by combining skills from different scientific disciplines. Geophysicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists from five German universities and a private company develop and apply new methods in seismic modeling and interpretation, numerical reservoir simulation, estimation of petrophysical parameters, and scientific visualization. The research activities at Friedrich Schiller University Jena include automatic differentiation, parallel computing, and optimal experimental design.

Collaborating Institutions

  • Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • TU Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • Geophysica Beratungsgesellschaft mbH


German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)

German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)


  • R. Seidler, H. M. Bücker, K. Padalkina, M. Herty, J. Niederau, G. Marquart, , C. Clauser : Optimal experimental design for finding optimally located boreholes in geothermal engineering. in Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, April 19-25, 2015, Melbourne, Australia, pages 22101:1-22101:3. The International Geothermal Association, 2015. Extended abstract. more ...
  • H. M. Bücker, M. A. Rostami : Interactively exploring the connection between bidirectional compression and star bicoloring. in S. Koziel, L. Leifsson, M. Lees, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, J. Dongarra, and P. M. A. Sloot, editors, International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2015 - Computational Science at the Gates of Nature, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2015, volume 51 of Procedia Computer Science, pages 1917-1926. Elsevier, 2015. more ...
  • H. M. Bücker, M. A. Rostami, R. Seidler : Turning a serial forward code into a parallel inverse code: A case study from geothermal engineering. in K. Psarris, P. Borne, I. Rudas, and Y. S. Shmaliy, editors, Computers, Automatic Control, Signal Processing and Systems Science, Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on System, Control, Signal Processing and Informatics II (SCSI'14), Prague, Czech Republic, April 2-4, 2014, volume 33 of Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Series, pages 22-25. EUROPMENT, 2014. more ...
  • M. A. Rostami, H. M. Bücker : An educational module illustrating how sparse matrix-vector multiplication on parallel processors connects to graph partitioning. in S. Hunold, A. Costan, D. Gimenez, A. Iosup, L. Ricci, M. E. Gomez Requena, V. Scarano, A. L. Varbanescu, S. L. Scott, S. Lankes, J. Weidendorfer, and M. Alexander, editors, Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing Workshops, Euro-Par 2015 International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, August 24-28, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, volume 9523 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 135-146, Cham, Switzerland, 2015. Springer. more ...
  • H. M. Bücker, M. A. Rostami, M. Lülfesmann : An interactive educational module illustrating sparse matrix compression via graph coloring. in 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Kazan, Russia, September 25-27, 2013, pages 330-335, Piscataway, NJ, 2013. IEEE. more ...
  • M. A. Rostami, H. M. Bücker : Preservation of non-uniform memory architecture characteristics when going from a nested OpenMP to a hybrid MPI/OpenMP approach. in M. S. Obaidat, J. Kacprzyk, and T. Ören, editors, SIMULTECH 2014, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Vienna, Austria, August 28-30, 2014, pages 286-291. SCITEPRESS, 2014. more ...
  • R. Seidler, K. Padalkina, H. M. Bücker, A. Ebigbo, M. Herty, G. Marquart, , J. Niederau : Optimal experimental design for reservoir property estimates in geothermal exploration. in Computational Geosciences, 2(2):357-383, 2016. more ...
  • K. Padalkina, H. M. Bücker, M. Herty, V. Rath, R. Seidler : Model identification for flow simulations in geothermal reservoirs: Towards optimally drilling boreholes. in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 13(1):345-346, 2013. more ...
  • H. M. Bücker : Verbundprojekt MeProRisk II: Optimierungsstrategien und Risikoanalyse für tiefe geothermische Reservoire - eine Machbarkeitsstudie: Teilprojekt F: Paralleles Rechnen und optimale Versuchsplanung. in Abschlussbericht des Verbundprojektes, Verbund-Nummer 01102405, Förderkennzeichen BMBF 0325389F, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Advanced Computing, 2016. more ...
  • H. M. Bücker, M. A. Rostami : Interactively exploring the connection between nested dissection orderings for parallel Cholesky factorization and vertex separators. in IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2014 Workshops, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 19-23, 2014, pages 1122-1129, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2014. IEEE Computer Society. more ...
  • R. Seidler, H. M. Bücker, K. Padalkina, M. Herty, J. Niederau, G. Marquart, , A. Rasch : Redesigning the EFCOSS framework toward finding optimally located boreholes in geothermal engineering. in I. Horvat and Z. Rusak, editors, Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on tools and methods of competitive engineering (TMCE 2014), May 19-23, 2014, Budapest, Hungary, pages 831-842, 2014. more ...
  • M. A. Rostami, H. M. Bücker, C. Vogt, R. Seidler, D. Neuhäuser, V. Rath : A distributed-memory parallelization of a shared-memory parallel ensemble Kalman filter. in F. Winkler, V. Negru, T. Ida, T. Jebelean, D. Petcu, S. Watt, and D. Zaharie, editors, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2014), September 22-25, 2014, Timisoara, Romania, pages 455-462, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2014. IEEE Computer Society. more ...
  • R. Seidler : Automatisierte Anbindung von Simulations- und Optimierungssoftware zur parallelen Lösung inverser Problemklassen. in Dissertation, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, 2020. more ...
  • J. Keller, V. Rath, J. Bruckmann, D. Mottaghy, C. Clauser, A. Wolf, R. Seidler, H. M. Bücker, N. Klitzsch : SHEMAT-Suite: An open-source code for simulating flow, heat and species transport in porous media. in SoftwareX, 12:100533, 2020. more ...
  • R. Seidler, H. M. Bücker, M. A. Rostami, D. Neuhäuser : On the design of the EFCOSS software architecture when using parallel and distributed computing. in A. Holzinger, T. Libourel, L. A. Maciaszek, and S. J. Mellor, editors, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, ICSOFT-EA, Vienna, Austria, August 29-31, 2014, pages 445-454. SCITEPRESS, 2014. more ...

